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Want ALL my SEO templates, prompts, & checklists?

If you're ready to dive into your SEO-friendly content strategy head first, grab the "SEO Content Bundle" now for only $49 (that's $200 off!).


Your phone (or email inbox) will be ringing off the hook!

Use our copywriting prompts to wow potential clients with delicious copy that helps them fall in love with you and the amazing work you do.


We believe that beautiful design & SEO-friendly content go together like Ben & Jerry.

You don’t need to sacrifice one to get the other.

They work in tandem to help you get in front of your ideal clients and encourage them to reach out and learn more about what you have to offer.

(normally $249. Yep, this deal is THAT good.)

What’s Included.

Here’s what’s included in the SEO Design Bundle…

  • The Creative Content Guide
    Designed to help you write simple and super effective copy for each page of your website that captivates potential clients and helps you stand out in Google.

  • Sell Your Service Workbook
    A four-part recipe for writing website copy that sells your services with grace and clarity. Designed to stop you from asking yourself “is this right?” or “does this sound okay?” and help you get letters on the page that convert leads into customers.

  • Google Review Scripts
    Copy & Paste email scripts that you can use to ask past clients for Google Reviews to boost your ranking and your overall "street cred” in search results.

  • SEO Page Checklist
    Your one-page guide for everything you need on each page of your website before you hit publish. Also, a great way to review your existing website pages for new SEO opportunities.

  • 7 Canva Background Templates
    You can use these templates as background images for stand alone pages or as background for different sections of your website.

  • 10 Canva Image Frames
    You can customize these image frames to add your own colors and branding. This is the best way to quickly make your website look unique.

  • Blog Topic Inspiration
    A printable PDF list of blog post ideas you can apply to your business. Each topic is designed to give customers a preview of what it’s like to work with you and help warm them up so your sales conversations are smooth as butter.

  • Blog Post Checklist
    Taking the guess work out of blogging. Everything you need to do before you hit publish on a new blog post so you can put your blog strategy (and brain) on auto-pilot.

  • Blogging Prompts
    A step-by-step outline to show you how to write them in a way that builds you up as an expert in your industry and grabs Google’s attention.

All of this for only $49 (normally $249)!

Have a question? Ask me here.


You're a designer and you didn't even know it.

Our super customizable design elements add personality to your website without forcing you to start from scratch.

We want to take what you have and make it better using our templates and a free design program called Canva.


Kind Words

From Our Awesome Community of Creatives


Galen’s courses, boot camps and challenges have been a game changer for me!

I am now ranking very high with my keywords AND the majority of my inquiries and bookings are coming from Google searches!!

- CariAnne

Nobody has ever explained SEO to me as well as you Galen.

- Tania

Thank you so much! This has really helped me fine tune my process and hopefully I will start to see some small gains in my SEO game!!

- Amy


The SEO Design Bundle is for you if…

You know that SEO is important, but you aren’t sure what kind of content is going to get you on page #1.

You’re a busy service-based business owner and you don’t have time to start from scratch when it comes to content creation. You want it all laid out for you.

You’re tired of “how-tos” and you want to take action instead of spinning your wheels on strategies that don’t work.




I’m Galen.
Nice to meet you!

Can’t wait to help you jumpstart your SEO strategy and create content your ideal clients will drool over.

Need support on your blogging journey?

Ask us in our Facebook group with over 3,000 wonderful members. We’re super responsive to any questions you may have.